Below is an excerpt from the book the human key. This book contains many quotations. There are several on the INTRODUCTION page on this website.
A quotation, in reality, is an observation recorded in writing and placed in quotations marks only to attribute it to a particular individual.
“The next best thing
to being wise oneself
is to live in a circle
of those who are”
The Wise
across time and space
I have not done this alone. There are observations from individuals throughout this book. I call these my consultants, contributors and co-writers. After discovering the central power presented in this book, I wanted to see what others have said on the subject.
It appeared that they were just waiting for me to seek them out. Their observations have retained integrity over decades, centuries and millennia.
Why have their observations retained their impact? I see two reasons.
First, their observations would not have been captured for the record if they did not have something significant to say.
Secondly, if what they had to say was not still fundamentally relevant and true, their wisdom would have disappeared long ago into the mist of history.
These men and women come from different continents, cultures, languages, religions and walks of life. Yet, their perspectives weave together a tapestry of "common sense" over time and place – it could be called retro-crowdsourcing. In this sense, you could call me “old school”.
What we call “common sense” is not common between cultures and climates. (Humans in the arctic and the equator have different sense of how to adapt to climate.) True "common sense" is that which remains common over thousands of years and miles: collective wisdom. This you will find in their observations. Expect to see many in this book. They are instructive. They have plowed the field for us to sow, cultivate and reap.
Though the central perspective of this book (this website) stands on its own merit, what they have to say shows that many others have traveled the same path.
I recommend you click on the links with their name or enter their names in a search engine and read their life stories. What a great way to expand knowledge and understanding. It is an advanced university degree in itself.