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Book Quotations

Knowledge is not power!


Action is power.


Action always gains knowledge.

Knowledge without action
achieves nothing


Action with knowledge
is more powerful

knowledge is a power amplifier;
not power.


That which is complex
 is a combination of the simple.


Master the simple
to comprehend and conquer the complex.



Ignorance is bliss
until you suffer or die from it.

Fear is the enemy of action.

Action is the enemy of fear.

The human race
is predominantly positive.
If we were predominately negative,

we would have killed each other off

thousands of years ago.

It's not whether your glass

is half empty or half full;

it's a matter of how big it is.

The question is the genesis tool.

All creativity begins with a question.

Excessive self-entertainment
is an opiate
for the prevention of thought.

Questions are Mental Antibodies


They arise
to protect us from harm
and help insure
our growth and survival.


The better the ability to question,
the greater our immunity from harm. 


The quality of questions
enhances our potential for survival.


New thinking, by definition,
is unconventional
is the outcome
of independent thought.


Formal education dependent
on conventional ways of thinking,
in this regard,
offers no special advantages.

There can be no creativity
without diversity.


Combining the same things
produces the same thing.


It requires the combination
of two or more different things
to create a new thing.

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